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Some Useful Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Generator


When the lights go out, your generator is a lifeline, keeping your home or business powered and comfortable. There are, however, a few key practices necessary to really get the most from your investment by having it run as efficiently as possible when you need it most. In this post, we’ll explore actionable tips to get the most from your generator so that it is always ready to deliver when the power goes down.


Treat the Generator Like Your Vehicle

Treat the generator like a vehicle by always ensuring routine maintenance is done to keep it in good condition. A well-maintained generator is more reliable and may last much longer. Scheduled maintenance involves:

* Oil changes: Change oil after every 100 hours of running time.

* Replacement of air and fuel filters: Replace them on an annual basis.

* Check on spark plugs: Spark plugs should be checked on an annual basis and, when necessary, replaced.

It ensures that your generator runs when you really need it and runs smoothly throughout its lifetime.

Test Your Generator Regularly

Every generator needs to be tested at intervals to ascertain preparedness.


In most cases, routine monthly tests are done to ensure that any potential problem is unraveled at its budding stage before it blows up into a major problem. Most modern generators have an automated self-test feature that ensures the unit runs for several minutes at a scheduled time on automatic status. Testing the generator is important, but at the same time, you have to learn about generator safety since it can cause an accident or damage the equipment.

High-Quality Fuel

The type of fuel you run your generator on can make all the difference in its performance. If the fuel is of poor quality or very old, then your generator may sputter. Sometimes it might not even start. If you are operating on gas, be sure and include with your gas a stabilizer to prevent break-down over time. On diesel and natural gas units, use the proper grade of fuel recommended by the manufacturer.

Proper Installation

A proper installation by a generator installer ensures your unit works perfectly without a glitch while being safe. Faulty installation can lead to malfunction, damage your generator, or even result in safety hazards. Professional installers will make sure that your generator is properly installed, the work is permitted, and it passes all required inspections. Whether installing a new Generac generator or replacing an old one, proper installation will not be negotiable to attain optimal performance.

Monitor Load Capacity

Every generator is meant to have a loading capacity of its own. Running a generator past the rated loading capacity may lead to overheating and even result in a shutdown state. To prevent this, list all of the appliances and systems that will be running from the backup power in case of a utility failure and find all the total wattage running concurrently. This would help you know your power usage, helping to avoid overloading your generator.

Invest in a Transfer Switch

A transfer switch is an important part of any standby generator system. It, on its own, disconnects your home from the utility grid in case of an outage and links the generator to your electrical system.


This prevents dangerous back-feeding and ensures that your generator is connected to the circuits you need most. If you don’t already have one, speak with a generator installer about adding one to your setup.

Keep Them Clean and Dry

Generators should be free from clutter, dirt, and water. If your generator is outside your premises, get a sturdy cover or shelter to protect it from the elements. This will prevent rust, corrosion, and other damages that might hamper the smooth running of your equipment. Moreover, keeping the generator dry minimizes electrical risks.

Regular Professional Inspections

Although regular maintenance can be managed on your own, professional inspections once a year are in order. A professional technician will not only go inside your generator to examine it for signs of wear and potential issues but also make sure that everything is up to code.