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Signs of Air Conditioner Problems: How to Know If Your AC Is Malfunctioning


An air conditioner, especially a modern one, can last for decades with regular maintenance, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be any issues. Even the most expensive ones and those with the highest quality can experience normal wear and tear, become damaged, break, or simply stop working as they should.

Fortunately, you only need to pay close attention to these malfunctions and address them promptly to prevent them from becoming major problems. Because in case of a problem, only reliable experts like Pure Eco Inc. contractor can help.

Do you want to know if looking for professional heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) services in Los Angeles is time? Below are the most common signs of air conditioner problems. Check them out!


8+ Signs That Your Air Conditioner (AC) Is Malfunctioning

It Isn’t Blowing Cold But Warm Air

Is your air conditioner blowing air, but it’s not cold? If you put your hands on the vents and feel warm, that can be a problem.

Sometimes, this change in air temperature is just a mistake. Therefore, you should check the thermostat to ensure the settings are correct. If everything is in order, you can switch to cooling mode to fix it.

However, when you notice that warm air is coming out of the vents, and this has nothing to do with the thermostat, something may be wrong with your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVCA) system.

This issue can have multiple causes. The most common include clogged filters, bad capacitors, compressor failure, and low refrigerant levels or leaks.

If you change the thermostat settings, but the air is still warm, you should contact experts for a repair or replacement.

The Airflow From The AC Vents Is Weak

Is your air conditioner (AC) blowing cold air, but the airflow is too weak? This can be a problem, too.

Poor or weekly airflow means your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system is working but cannot perform its job, which can cause severe damage to the equipment.

When not enough cold air is circulating around an area, the most common causes can include clogged filters, debris build-up in ducts, compressor failure, and leaky ductwork. In these cases, using an expert HVAC service is always a good idea.


However, it’s important to know that you can prevent these issues by regularly maintaining your HVAC system. Poor or weekly airflow caused by a dirty air filter can be fixed just by replacing this part with a new one, for example.

If you change the dirty air filter and clean the air ducts but the airflow is still too weak, you may be dealing with compressor failure or refrigerant leaks, which should be repaired by experts.

Your Air Conditioner Takes Too Much Time to Turn On

What happens after you press the “turn on” button on your air conditioner (AC)? If it doesn’t start working within a few seconds after you adjust the thermostat, the system’s capacitor may be damaged.

A faulty capacitor is one of those problems that professionals should fix, so the best thing you can do in these cases is to contact HVAC experts.

You Hear Strange Noises Coming From Your Air Conditioner’s Indoor Unit

Although an air conditioner (AC) is a huge appliance, its indoor unit should operate quietly. Strange or loud noises, such as squealing and scraping, may suggest that an important part is misplaced or needs lubrication.

If you notice strange noises coming from the indoor unit, you need to address this issue as soon as possible. Loose parts can damage other important components and wreak havoc on your HVAC system.

By contacting professionals as soon as you hear that your air conditioner’s indoor unit is making these noises, you can promptly address these problems and prevent an easy fix from turning into an expensive AC repair.

There Are Leaks Around the Unit

Is water or other liquids leaking around your HVAC system? You should address this problem right away!

This usually suggests a refrigerant leak, which is a major issue that should be repaired by a professional immediately.

You shouldn’t try to repair refrigerant leaks yourself, as this product can be highly dangerous. To protect your health and safety, contact a professional if you think you’re dealing with this issue.

It’s important to note that this leak may be just water. While it isn’t dangerous, this issue may also indicate that the tubes that remove condensation from your AC unit have become clogged, requiring professional repairs.

Ideally, you should contact a professional to determine where the leak is coming from and find out if it’s water or refrigerant.

High Moisture Levels

An air conditioning system has many functions. Besides spreading cool air through spaces, this equipment regulates moisture levels while it’s running. This feature is quite important.

If your property’s moisture levels are too high while your air conditioner (AC) is running, that may be a sign that the evaporator or coil is frozen.

However, this issue may be related to other things. Cooking without proper ventilation, using units with the wrong size or capacity, or too much exterior humidity can cause high interior moisture levels.

Your AC Is Cycling More Often Than It Should

Your air conditioner (AC) cycles about two or three times per hour, but this may vary by season depending on the temperature. In mild weather, this process occurs every 15 minutes, for example.


However, an air conditioning system may require cycling more often if the weather is too hot.

If each cycle lasts less time, or your AC unit is running for only 10 minutes or less at a time, it may be too big for the area where it’s installed or simply be faulty.

You Notice Odd Smells When You Turn On Your Unit

Your air conditioner, heat pump, and other components of your HVAC system shouldn’t smell bad. Actually, this can be a sign that something is wrong.

For example, if you notice a strong burning smell, it could indicate the wiring insulation burned, which may pose a fire risk. Musty odors may suggest that mold is growing within the system.

If you want to ensure your equipment works properly for years and protect your health or safety, you should address these issues as soon as possible.

Other Signs You May Need Air Conditioning Repair Services

Besides the ones mentioned above, other signs may suggest air conditioners are malfunctioning and requiring repairs, including the following:

  • Fluctuations in your utility bills
  • Wrong temperature readings
  • Improperly positioned thermostat
  • Increase in repairs, even after regular AC maintenance

Final Thoughts: Repair Your AC System Right Away to Protect Your Health, Safety, and Investment!

Repairing your air conditioners as soon as you notice any of these signs is essential. Besides mitigating risks, this will ensure indoor air quality, reduce your energy consumption, and increase your property’s comfort. HVAC services in Los Angeles can cost a fortune if only you work with a trusted contactor.

Plus, if you address those issues that are affecting this system, you can avoid costly damage, protect your family’s health, and make the most out of your investment.

The best possible tips for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning repair, installation, and maintenance always include an important recommendation: call professionals. If your system is malfunctioning, don’t hesitate to contact experts.

Pure Eco Inc. contractor, for example, offers the services you may need in these cases, including the following:

  • Air conditioning repair
  • Heating repair
  • Ventilation inspection
  • Air conditioning maintenance
  • Heating maintenance
  • Insulation
  • Air purification
  • And more!

Contact us today and schedule a consultation if you’ve noticed problems with your central air conditioner and need help from a professional HVAC technician!