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Essential Cleaning Tips for a Fresh Start in a Rental


Settling into a new rental property is a thrilling experience. It’s a fresh start, a new environment, and a blank slate to make your own. Before getting settled, it’s essential to make sure your new space is clean and comfortable to live in. Whether your landlord has cleaned the place or not, thoroughly cleaning yourself will make it feel truly yours. Follow these essential cleaning tips for a fresh start in your rental!


Start with a Deep Clean of the Kitchen

The kitchen is one of the most used areas in any home, so it’s a great place to begin your cleaning process. Pay special attention to places that tend to accumulate dirt and grime, like the countertops, stovetop, and sink. Here’s a breakdown of how to tackle the kitchen cleaning:

  • Countertops and Surfaces: Wipe down all countertops with an all-purpose cleaner to remove dust and leftover food particles. Don’t forget to clean behind appliances like the microwave or toaster.
  • Oven and Stovetop: If the oven looks grimy or has food spills, use an oven cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. Wipe off any grease from the stovetop and use a sponge to scrub away any food that’s stuck on it.
  • Fridge and Freezer: Even if the fridge seems clean, it’s good to wipe down the shelves and drawers. You don’t want any lingering smells from the previous tenants. Check the freezer for ice build-up and clean it out if needed.
  • Sink: Scrub the sink with a mild abrasive cleaner to remove stains or hard water buildup. To freshen up the pipes, pour baking soda down the drain, then follow it with vinegar.

Don’t Forget the Bathroom

The bathroom is another high-traffic area that needs a good cleaning. A clean bathroom will make you feel more at ease in your new home. Here’s what to focus on:

  • Toilet: Use a toilet cleaner to scrub the inside of the bowl. For the exterior, wipe it down with disinfectant wipes or a cleaning spray. Pay attention to the base of the toilet, where dust tends to collect.
  • Shower and Tub: Use a bathroom cleaner to scrub the walls, floor, and fixtures of the shower and tub. If there’s mold or mildew, consider using a specialized cleaner to get rid of it.
  • Sink and Countertop: Wipe down the sink and countertop with a bathroom cleaner. Don’t forget to clean the mirror with glass cleaner for a streak-free shine.
  • Floor: Sweep and mop the bathroom floor to remove any dirt or hair.

Clean the Floors Thoroughly

No matter the type of flooring in your rental, it’s important to give it a deep clean before settling in. Various flooring types need specific cleaning methods:


  • Carpet: If your rental has carpets, vacuum them well to remove dust, dirt, and hair. If the carpets feel dirty or stained, consider renting a carpet cleaner or hiring a professional to give them a deep clean. It’s a good way to get rid of any hidden grime from previous tenants.
  • Hardwood or Tile Floors: Sweep the floors first to pick up dust and debris. Then, mop the floors using a cleaner designed for the specific type of flooring. For hardwood, be sure not to oversaturate the floor with water, as it can damage the wood.

Wipe Down the Walls and Baseboards

While it may not seem obvious, walls and baseboards can accumulate dust and dirt over time. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe down the walls, especially around light switches and door handles, where grime tends to build up. For baseboards, use a microfiber cloth or a vacuum attachment to clean off any dust.

If the walls are stained or marked, use a mild cleaner or a magic eraser to scrub away the spots. This step can significantly impact the overall cleanliness of your new rental.

Freshen Up the Windows

Clear windows allow more light to enter, making your space feel brighter and more inviting. Here’s how to make sure your windows sparkle:

  • Glass: Use a glass cleaner to wipe down the inside and outside of your windows. Make sure to clean any window sills or tracks, which often collect dirt and dust.
  • Blinds or Curtains: Dust the blinds with a microfiber cloth or a duster. If the blinds are filthy, use a damp cloth to wipe them down. For curtains, consider washing them if they’re machine washable or giving them a good shake outside to remove dust.

Disinfect High-Touch Areas

High-touch areas in a home, like light switches, door handles, and cabinet knobs, should be disinfected regularly. Before moving in, take the time to wipe down these spots with disinfectant wipes or spray to eliminate any lingering germs. Doing this will help keep your new space as hygienic as possible.

Clean Out the Closet and Storage Spaces

It’s easy to overlook closets and storage areas during a move-in cleaning, but they’re important to tackle, too. Remove any dust or cobwebs from closet shelves, and vacuum or sweep the floors of the closets. This way, you’ll have a fresh place to store your clothes and belongings.

Air Out the Space

After all your hard work, it’s time to freshen up the air in your new rental. Open the windows to let in some fresh air and eliminate any stale odors left by the previous tenants.


You can also use air fresheners or diffusers to add a pleasant scent to your space. A fresh-smelling home feels much more inviting!

Hire Professional Help When Needed

If you don’t have the time or energy to clean your new rental thoroughly, you can always consider hiring professionals who specialize in tenancy cleaning. These experts can ensure that every corner of your new home is spotless and ready for you to move in. They are equipped with the tools and cleaning products to tackle deep cleaning tasks that may be too overwhelming for one person to handle alone.


Starting fresh in a rental is exciting, and cleaning your new space thoroughly will help make it feel like home. By following these essential cleaning tips, you’ll create a clean, welcoming environment that you can enjoy from day one. Remember, it’s not just about making the space look good; it’s about ensuring a healthy and comfortable living space for yourself. So grab your cleaning supplies and get ready for a fresh start in your new home!