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Creating Outdoor Living Spaces: Decking Placement Strategies


Decking can transform your garden into a stylish and functional outdoor living area, perfect for relaxation, dining, and entertaining. To make the most of your decking, it’s essential to place it strategically. Let’s share top decking placement strategies to help you create the ideal outdoor living space.


Define Your Outdoor Living Needs

Before you start planning your decking, think about how you want to use your outdoor space. Are you looking to create a dining area for summer meals, a cosy lounge for evening relaxation, or a vibrant space for entertaining guests? Identifying your needs will help you design a decking layout that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you love hosting outdoor dinners, you might want a large, flat area with plenty of seating. On the other hand, if relaxation is your priority, consider a smaller, more intimate space with comfortable furniture. Don’t forget to think about the material you’ll use. If you want to buy composite decking boards from Dino Decking, click the link.

Assess Your Garden Layout

Understanding your garden’s layout is crucial for effective decking placement. Take note of your garden’s size, shape, and existing features. Assess aspects like sunlight exposure, shade, and views, as these will influence where your decking should go. Using a garden plan or sketch can help you visualize different decking locations and see how they impact your space. For instance, if your garden has a slope, elevated decking might be needed to create a level area. If you have a beautiful view, position your decking to maximize this feature.

Create Zones for Different Activities

One of the best ways to make the most of your decking is to create distinct zones for various activities. Use decking to delineate different areas, such as a dining space, a lounging zone, or a play area for children. This approach not only helps in organizing your space but also ensures that each area serves its intended purpose. For example, you could use different levels of decking to separate a dining area from a relaxation zone or incorporate different materials to distinguish between various spaces.

Maximize Natural Features

Incorporate your garden’s natural features into your decking design to enhance its appeal and functionality.


Position your decking to complement existing elements like garden beds, trees, or water features. For example, you can frame a pond with decking to create a beautiful focal point or place your decking near a large tree to provide natural shade. By integrating these features, your decking will blend seamlessly with your garden and enhance the overall aesthetics.

Consider Sunlight and Shade

Sunlight and shade play a significant role in the comfort and usability of your decking. Position your decking to make the most of sunny spots during the day and shaded areas for cooler times. For instance, if you want to enjoy sunny mornings, place your decking in a spot that gets plenty of morning sun. Conversely, if you prefer shade, position your decking under the canopy of trees or consider adding a pergola or shade sail. This balance ensures your decking is comfortable and usable throughout the day.

Maintain Privacy and Comfort

Creating a comfortable and private outdoor environment is essential for enjoying your decking to the fullest. Use features like screens, planters, or railings to provide privacy and create a secluded space. For example, tall planters can act as natural dividers, while screens can block out unwanted views. Incorporate comfortable seating arrangements and soft furnishings to make your decking a relaxing retreat.

Reasons Why Raised Decking Helps Your Garden

Are you debating what type of outdoor space you should build in your garden? While there are many options, there’s one that remains popular with homeowners. We’re talking about raised decking. From helping with an uneven garden to providing more storage space for your family, let’s take a look at some of the reasons why it’s better to build a raised decking area when you want to spend time outdoors.

Walk Right Out

If you have patio doors, then a huge drop into your garden can be a hazard. People can easily trip when they don’t realize there’s a big step, as well as pets hurt themselves when they go outside. This is why a raised decking area is the best thing you can build. You can make sure it joins with the patio doors so you can walk out onto a patio area. It’s going to be a smooth and flat surface that flows well with your house, allowing you to have more living space.

Easier for Uneven Ground

Is your garden on a hill or has uneven ground?


This can be a nightmare when you’re trying to create somewhere you can sit. In particular, creating a patio area with slabs can be a lot of work and mean that the rest of the garden doesn’t look right. Instead, know that raised decking can help with this issue. It’s going to be a lot easier to prepare this surface on uneven ground and it can add interest to your garden.

Creates Storage

One of the unusual benefits of raised decking is the storage space it can create. If you don’t want to have a large shed or a lot of plastic storage units hanging around in view, you can use underneath the decking. This can keep things neat and tidy, freeing up more space to enjoy your garden. So, if you want to hide away your garden tools and furniture that’s not in use, think about building raised decking. You have somewhere to enjoy the outdoors, as well as a way to tidy up the garden.


Strategic decking placement is key to creating a functional and beautiful outdoor living space. By defining your needs, assessing your garden layout, and incorporating features that enhance usability and comfort, you can design a decking area that perfectly suits your lifestyle. Take the time to plan and consider these strategies to make the most of your outdoor space.