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Deep Clean Your House Before Putting It on the Market


When preparing to sell your home, one of the most crucial steps is to ensure it is immaculately clean. A deep clean not only makes your home more appealing but also signals to potential buyers that the property has been well-maintained.

This can lead to higher offers and a quicker sale. First impressions are everything in real estate, and a sparkling clean house can make the difference between a quick sale and a property that lingers on the market.


Preparing for the Deep Clean

Before diving into the deep cleaning process, it’s essential to gather all the necessary supplies and create a thorough cleaning checklist, but also to get yourself familiar with a few cleaning tips and tricks. This preparation ensures that you can work efficiently and systematically without having to stop and search for tools or products.

Gathering Supplies

Ensure you have all the cleaning essentials, such as:

  • All-purpose cleaner
  • Glass cleaner
  • Disinfectant wipes
  • Scrub brushes
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Vacuum cleaner with attachments
  • Mop and bucket
  • Rubber gloves
  • Garbage bags

Creating a Cleaning Checklist

A comprehensive checklist can help you stay organized and ensure no area is overlooked. Divide your checklist by room and include specific tasks for each area. This way, you can tackle the cleaning process methodically and avoid missing critical spots.

Room-by-Room Deep Cleaning Guide

Kitchen: Appliances, Countertops, Cabinets

Start with the kitchen, one of the most scrutinized areas by potential buyers. Clean all appliances thoroughly, including the oven, refrigerator, microwave, and dishwasher.

Wipe down countertops, paying attention to corners and edges.


Clean and organize cabinets inside and out, removing any expired food and making the spaces look neat and spacious.

Bathrooms: Tiles, Grout, Fixtures

In the bathrooms, focus on tiles and grout, which can accumulate mold and mildew. Use a grout cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to scrub these areas.

Clean all fixtures, including faucets, showerheads, and mirrors, ensuring they are free from water spots and grime. Replace any worn-out caulking around tubs and sinks to give the bathroom a fresh look.

Bedrooms: Closets, Under the Bed, Windows

Bedrooms should feel clean and restful. Clean out closets, organizing clothing and other items neatly. Vacuum under the bed and in all corners, eliminating dust bunnies and hidden debris. Clean windows thoroughly, both inside and out, to let in as much natural light as possible.

Living Areas: Carpets, Upholstery, Dusting

In living areas, focus on carpets and upholstery. Consider renting a carpet cleaner to remove deep-seated dirt and stains.


Vacuum and clean all upholstery, removing pet hair and stains. Dust all surfaces, including shelves, picture frames, and electronics, paying special attention to hard-to-reach areas.

Outdoor Spaces: Patios, Driveways, Gardens

First impressions begin before potential buyers even enter your home. Clean and sweep patios and driveways, removing any dirt and debris.


Trim overgrown plants and mow the lawn to give your garden a neat and tidy appearance. Power wash exterior walls and fences if needed to remove accumulated grime.

Cleaning Tips for a Market-Ready Home

Once you’ve tackled the initial deep clean, focus on these additional cleaning tips to ensure your home is market-ready.

Dealing with Stubborn Stains

Stubborn stains can be a major turn-off for potential buyers. For carpet stains, use a carpet cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and baking soda to lift the stain.


For hard surfaces, a magic eraser can often work wonders on tough marks. If you encounter particularly challenging stains, consider hiring professional cleaners to ensure these are dealt with effectively.

Refreshing Paint and Fixtures

A fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference in how a home feels. Stick to neutral colors to appeal to the widest range of buyers.

In addition to walls, consider painting trim and doors to give them a clean, new look. Update or clean fixtures such as doorknobs, light switches, and cabinet handles to ensure they look fresh and modern.

Eliminating Odors

Unpleasant odors can quickly deter potential buyers. Identify and eliminate sources of bad smells. Clean carpets and upholstery thoroughly, as they can trap odors. Use air purifiers and deodorizers to freshen up the air.


Be mindful of cooking smells, and if you have pets, ensure their areas are cleaned regularly. A pleasant-smelling home can significantly impact a buyer’s perception.

Final Touches

After the deep clean and addressing specific cleaning tips, it’s time for the final touches that will make your home shine.

Staging Tips Post-Cleaning

Remove personal items and declutter to create a clean, neutral space that allows buyers to envision themselves living there. Use fresh flowers, strategically placed mirrors, and tasteful artwork to enhance the home’s appeal. Make sure all rooms are well-lit and inviting.

Maintaining Cleanliness During Showings

Establish a daily cleaning routine to maintain the high standard you’ve set. Keep a cleaning kit handy for quick touch-ups, and ensure dishes are always washed and put away.

Make beds every morning and keep personal items out of sight. A consistently clean home will impress potential buyers and increase the likelihood of a quick sale.


Deep cleaning your home before putting it on the market is an essential step in preparing for a successful sale.


Start by gathering supplies and creating a detailed cleaning checklist. Tackle each room methodically, paying special attention to kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces.

Use specific cleaning tips to deal with stubborn stains, refresh paint and fixtures, and eliminate odors.

Once your home is sparkling clean, apply staging tips to make it look its best and maintain cleanliness throughout the showing period.